Feisty Tasmanian Quick Chocolate Pudding – with Wattleseed or Baeckea 

I(for 10 people)

1 and 1/3 cup sugar (white or 50/50 brown and white)

1/2 cup cocoa powder 

1/2 tsp salt

6 tablespoons cornflour (can be GF)

4 cups milk

2 tsp wattleseed soaked in ¼ cup boiling water

OR 1 dsp baeckea gunniana

2 Tbsp butter



In medium saucepan combine sugar, cocoa, cornflour and salt with a whisk.

Add milk and wattle seed and continue to whisk. Heat to simmer over medium heat.

Cook for 1-2 minutes until thick and bubbly.

Remove from heat - add butter and stir in

Pour into dessert glasses for individual serves, or a serving bowl and chill.



2 hot plates

2 large saucepans

2 large bowls (or individual glasses or cups  40? )

2 whisks

(preferably) a fridge



Robust Wild food Greens and Tomato Pasta Sauce


Wild Green Salad with Tetragonia, Saltbush, Rhagodia, /pigface flowers,