Join Us


Support our work by becoming a member and join our network. There are many ways you can be involved:

  • volunteer the nursery, growing native plants from seed;

  • collecting seed in the wild;

  • join planting field days;

  • participate in workshops (free to members);

  • champion the work we do in the community

  • make a one-off or regular donations.

Volunteering at the Nursery

We meet Tuesdays from 10:00 am to mid afternoon at Nipaluna Nursery, Church Avenue, New Town, beside the David Stephens Community Garden and Kick Start Arts.

We are currently accepting more volunteers. Come and be part of this fabulous team!

Help us care for the bush, and have the chance to learn new skills and connect to other wonderful people who have a passion for local native plants, animals and ecological restoration.

There are many ways in which you can help and there is much to learn!

Volunteers for Habitat

Sign Up to Become a Member

$10.00 membership fee