
Your Donation will help restore native Tasmanian ecosystems and build habitat. In 2024 we are growing 26,000 indigenous plants for Midlands farmers.

Nipaluna Nursery is a registered charity under the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission.

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Volunteering The best way to give is your time. We meet on Tuesdays and when we need extra help we will organise Prick-out Parties and special events as required.

Carbon Offsetting

We are a local Tasmanian environmental not-for-profit organisation of volunteers that grow and plant natives on covenanted properties in the Midlands and East Coast of Tasmania to help fight the impacts of climate change. 

When you offset your carbon emissions with us, legally protected native corridors will be planted on your behalf. As they grow, these plants remove carbon from the atmosphere to reduce the impacts of climate change. A long International return flight uses approximately 4.4 tonnes of Co2.

One tonne of CO2 can be offset by 30-45 natives.

Alternatively you can offset your flights by joining us and planting 120-180 native plants on one of our planting days in July/August.

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Gift us in your Will Your gift is a legacy for the future